Shy Fox Moccasins
Blackfeet bead design
The inspiration for these came from the book "The Blackfeet, Artists of the Northern Plains" by Bob Scriver.
Blackfeet style moccasins and leggings
Partially beaded and fully beaded infant moccasins
Part. beaded - 45.00
Fully beaded - 65.00
Another Blackfeet design from the book "The Blackfeet Artists of the Northern Plains" by Bob Schriver.

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Childrens mocs-approximately 4" in length-partially beaded 90.00
fully beaded 125.00
Fully beaded mocs are 425.00
Partially beaded are 350.00

- this price includes earth paints on parts not beaded.
Leggings vary with amount of beadwork.